English to Vietnamese Meaning of trust - Lòng tin

Trust :
Lòng tin

lòng tin, niềm tin, Lòng tin, sự tự tin, lòng tin chắc, sự kết án, phán quyết, tín dụng, sự tín nhiệm, duy trì, tiền gửi, sự thật, lòng trung thành, trách nhiệm, nhiệm vụ, sạc điện, nghĩa vụ, sự vâng lời, bám dính, dính, nghiêm trọng, tải, cân nặng, sự thỏa mãn, thành tâm, lòng tôn kính, tập tin đính kèm, lòng can đảm, sự phụ thuộc, đảm nhận, canh giữ, quan tâm, bắt buộc, ép buộc, điều cần thiết, mắc nợ

tin, Lòng tin, giả sử, tâm sự, tín dụng, ngân hàng trên, đặt vào vật gì, tùy theo, dựa vào, xây dựng, giao phó, tiền gửi, cho vay, tiền vay, làm sắc nét, bộ

chống độc quyềnLòng tinđáng tin cậytin cậytrustiestin tưởngquỹ tín thácthành thật
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Definitions of trust in English
Noun(1) something (as property, the trustee, the beneficiary(2) certainty based on past experience(3) the trait of believing in the honesty and reliability of others(4) a consortium of independent organizations formed to limit competition by controlling the production and distribution of a product or service(5) complete confidence in a person or plan etc(6) a trustful relationship
Verb(1) have confidence or faith in(2) allow without fear(3) be confident about something(4) expect and wish(5) confer a trust upon(6) (chiefly archaic
Examples of trust in English
(1) we could trust her to get the job done(2) A limited company formed by a charitable trust founded by a consortium of scientists and growers which has been renting the site is now close to clinching a deal to buy it.(3) I was devastated - I had held positions of trust before my retirement.(4) they have been able to win the trust of the others(5) Of course, reliance on credit and trust posed its dangers, exposing the economy to financial collapse as in 1847 and 1866.(6) Client belief and trust in the therapist was considered to be about equal from both perspectives.(7) Vetting is carried out on all personnel who apply for positions of trust , including working with children and vulnerable adults.(8) a trust was set up(9) I trust that he will have no hesitation in confirming that he will make every attempt to keep his own expense claims on the taxpayer down to the necessary minimum.(10) the property is to be held in trust for his son(11) There's life in Munster yet, even if we are taking it more on trust than on hard evidence.(12) The hard truth is that we cannot trust our own abilities to bring about the kind of faith that transforms our lives.(13) It was explained that as a policeman I held a position of trust .(14) First, that the complainant reposed trust and confidence in the other party, or the other party acquired ascendancy over the complainant.(15) She says it's looked upon even more seriously in a legal sense when it occurs within a position of trust , for example, between a coach and an athlete.(16) They had all lost the ability to trust anyone besides themselves.
Related Phrases of trust
(1) to trust ::
tin tưởng
(2) trust in ::
tin tưởng vào
(3) trust fund ::
quỹ tín thác
(4) mutual trust ::
tin cậy lẫn nhau
(5) breach of trust ::
vi phạm lòng tin
(6) investment trust ::
ủy thác đầu tư
(7) trust account ::
trương mục tín thác
(8) brain trust ::
tin vào bản thân
(9) blind trust ::
niềm tin mù
1. confidence ::
sự tự tin
2. responsibility ::
trách nhiệm
3. safekeeping ::
bảo vệ an toàn
4. combine ::
phối hợp
6. reliance ::
sự tín nhiệm
7. faith ::
lòng tin
8. put one's trust in ::
đặt niềm tin của một người trong
9. rely on ::
dựa vào
10. hope ::
11. entrust ::
giao phó
12. believe ::
13. swear ::
xin thề
1. distrust ::
nghi ngờ
2. mistrust ::
ngờ vực
Different Forms
antitrust, trust, trusted, trustful, trusties, trusting, trusts, trusty
Word Example from TV Shows
I can trust you, Pycelle, can I not?

I can TRUST you, Pycelle, can I not?

Game of Thrones Season 2, Episode 3

I trust the hole in the desert
I'd leave you in.

I TRUST the hole in the desert I'd leave you in.

Breaking Bad Season 3, Episode 13

You don't need to make formal alliances
with people you trust.

You don't need to make formal alliances with people you TRUST.

Game of Thrones Season 4, Episode 5

But if you're asking
can you trust Akane,

But if you're asking can you TRUST Akane,

Westworld Season 2, Episode 5

Between the police and the thieves,\NI trust the police.

Between the police and the thieves,
I TRUST the police.

Money Heist Season 3, Episode 8

English to Vietnamese Dictionary: trust

Meaning and definitions of trust, translation in Vietnamese language for trust with similar and opposite words. Also find spoken pronunciation of trust in Vietnamese and in English language.

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What trust means in Vietnamese, trust meaning in Vietnamese, trust definition, examples and pronunciation of trust in Vietnamese language.

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